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OER How-To at Guttman Community College

This LibGuide introduces Open Educational Resources, how to interpret copyright usage, and resources to find and build Open content for Guttman Community College content creators

OERs Developed by Guttman Faculty

Open Educational Resources and Zero-Cost Textbook Across CUNY

Get step by step directions how to designate your course "Zero Cost Textbook" (ZTC) in CUNYfirst. 


It is also important that you let your students know that they are registered in a ZTC / OER course. The following language written by Serge Rodriguez will be helpful in the syllabi for the course:


This course uses Open Education Resources/Zero cost course material.

There are no required books to purchase for this course, or items will be provided to you in the class.

OER Examples and Resources at CUNY

OER Initiatives at CUNY and Broader

  • Achieving the Dream Grant seeks to increase OER in higher education to provide accessible and responsive materials to students, including CUNYs, and Tennessee schools.
  • The OER Degree Initiative revealed OERs help students complete degrees

  • New York OER Fund's goal to replace traditional textbooks with Open-access textbooks in CUNYs started in 2017 and is ongoing. This initiative engages faculty in the redesign of courses through the replacement of proprietary textbooks with open educational resources. With an intensive student engagement model focused on community college completion, Guttman is putting in place the resources to continue its path towards zero and low-cost openly licensed materials for students. 

  • Gates Foundation Waymaker Study studied how students cognitively learn from course materials.

  • CUNY is part of North America's Community College Consortium for OER (CCCOER), promoting and adopting open educational resources.

Gathered from OER@BMCC, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license (CC BY 4.0); (N.Y.S. Open Educational Resources Funds: CUNY Year Four)