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OER Repository of Guttman Community College: Home

This guide is the Guttman Community College OER Repository.  On this guide you will find access to the OER created and curated by Guttman Community College faculty, staff and students.

ART 200: Arts in New York City

Course: ART 200

Title: Arts in New York City

Professor: Mason

AMST 103: Introduction to Social Justice

Course: AMST 103

Title: Introduction to Social Justice

Professor: Dunne

AMST 203: Civic Engagement in a Global Society

Course: AMST 203

Title: Civic Engagement in a Global Society

Professor: Lindsey & Fortier

CHEM 221: General Chemistry II

Course: CHEM 221

Title: General Chemistry II

Professor: Kim

Cool Anthropology: How to Engage the Public with Academic Research

Title: Cool Anthropology: How to Engage the Public with Academic Research

Authors: Baines, Costa, Fuentes, Vesperi, Lende, Taylor, McCreery, Lynch, Colwell, Aiello, Koptiuch, Wilson, Harper, Sutton, Mullooly, Deal, Lessard, Miller, Taylor, Campbell Galman

ENGL 211: Cities in Film + Literature: HORROR themed

Course: ENGL 211

Title:  Cities in Film + Literature: HORROR themed

Professor:  Ungemah

HIST 201: Who Built New York? NYC History

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Course: HIST 201

Title: Who Built New York? NYC History

Professor: Finesurrey

HIST 111 & 127: The United States from the Colonial Era to the Present

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Course: HIST 111 & 127

Title: The United States from the Colonial Era to the Present

Professor: Finesurrey

HIST 299: 19th and 20th Century Latin American History

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Course: HIST 299

Title: 19th and 20th Century Latin American History

Professor: Finesurrey

MATH 103, 103A & 103B: Statistics

Course: MATH 103, 103A and 103B

Title: Statistics

Professor: Ghaderi

MATH 103 & MATH 103A: Understanding Scatterplots Activity

Course: MATH 103 & MATH 103A

Title:  Understanding Scatterplots Activity

Professor: Nicoletti

PHIL 103: Intro to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Course: PHIL 103

Title: Intro to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Professor: Fortier

SOSC 111: Ethnographies of Work I

Course: SOSC 111

Title: Ethnographies of Work

Professor: Burns

SOCS 111: Ethnographies of Work I

Course: SOSC 111

Title: Ethnographies of Work I

Professor: Medina

SOSCI 113: Ethnographies of Work II

Course: SOSCI 113

Title: Ethnographies of Work II

Professor: Martin

SOSC 111 & 213: Ethnographies of Work Textbook

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Course: SOSC 111 & SOSC 213

Title: Ethnographies Made Easy

Editors: Tyner-Mullings, Gatta, & Coughlan

American Studies Courses at Guttman

Courses: AMST 103 & AMST 203

Title: American Studies Courses at Guttman

Professor: Bahl

AMST 103: Introduction to Social Justice – Immigration

Course: AMST 103

Title: Introduction to Social Justice – Immigration

Professor: Finesurrey

BIOL 251: Genetics

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Course: BIOL 251

Title: Genetics

Professor: Fuller

BIOL 221, BIOL 231 & BIOL 251: General Biology I, Microbiology & Genetics

Course: BIOL 221, BIOL 231 & BIOL 251

Title: General Biology I, Microbiology & Genetics

Professor: Fuller

ECON 203: Microeconomics

Course: ECON 203

Title: Microeconomics

Professor: Seth

ENG 203: Composition II

Course: ENG 203

Title: Composition II

Professor: Philipose

The History of the World

Courses: Antiquity to 1500 & 1500 to Present

Title: The History of the World

Professor: Finesurrey

HSVC 201 and HSVC 203: Fieldwork I, Fieldwork II, and Integrative Seminar

Course: HSVC 201 and HSVC 203

Title: Human Services: Fieldwork and Integrative Seminar

Professor: Kras

GOVT 202: US Gov and Politics in Principle and Practice

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Course: GOVT 202

Title: US Gov and Politics in Principal and Practice

Authors: Finesurrey & Greaves

Information Literacy Program

Title: Information Literacy Program

Professor: Hamlett

Nature-Based Instruction in Higher Education

Title: Nature-Based Instruction in Higher Education

Professor: Kras

MATH 120: Algebra and Trigonometry

Course: MATH 120

Title: Algebra and Trigonometry

Author: Jay Abramson with additional revisions made by Keino Brown, Forest Fisher, and Jared Warner

Math 103B: Statistics B

Course: MATH 103B

Title: Statistics B

Professor: Zambrano

Statistics B OER Resources

Title: Statistics B OER Resources

Professor: Lim

PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

Course: PSYC 101

Title: Introduction to Psychology

Professor: Samuel

UBST 225: Global Urbanisms

Course: UBST 225

Title: Global Urbanisms

Professor: Allen

ANTH 227: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

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Course: ANTH 227

Title: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

Professor: Gatta

BIOL 211 & 221: General Biology

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Course: BIOL 211 & 221

Title: General Biology

Professor: Fuller

Collaborative Online International Learning at Guttman

Title: Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) at Guttman

Author: OER Team

ENGL 103: Composition I

Course: ENGL 103

Title: Composition I

Professor: Mead

ECON 206: International Political Economy

Course: ECON 206

Title: International Political Economy

Professor: Buttet

HIST 221: History of Urban Life

Course: HIST 221

Title: History of Urban Life

Professor: Finesurrey

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Authors: Samuel Finesurrey, Elsy Rosario, Tigida Fadiga, Luz Hidalgo, Phisarys Sidemion, Sadaf Majeed, Bashir Juwara, Samantha Hernandez, Shaday Barrett, Joanna Wisniewski, Ivan Mora, Kristina Jiana Quiles, and Elhadji Diagne

HSVC 103: Introduction to Human Services

Course: HSVC 103

Title: Introduction to Human Services

Professor: Kras

INFT 203: Management Information Systems

Course: INFT 203

Title: Management Information Systems

Professor: Hill

Math Stories

Title: Math Stories

Professor: Feliciano

MATH 103: Statistics

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Course: MATH 103

Title: Statistics

Professor: Ghaderi

Stats with Torres

Subject: Statistics

Title: Stats with Torres

Professor: Torres Rivera

Psychology 101 with Torres

Title: Psychology 101 with Torres

Professor: Torres Rivera

SOSC 111: Ethnographic Methods at Work

Course: SOSC 111

Title: Ethnographic Methods at Work 

Professor: Williams

SOSC 111 & 213: Stories of Work

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Course:  SOSC 111 & 213

Title: Stories of Work

Professor: Tyner-Mullings

SOCI 231: Introduction to Urban Community Health

Course: SOCI 231

Title: Introduction to Urban Community Health

Professor: Baines

SOSC 101: Ethnography Made Easy

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Course:  SOSC 111

Title: Ethnographies of Work

Professor: Tyner-Mullings

Guttman OER Contacts


What are OER?

Open Education Resources (OERs) is a concept that captures the imagination of faculty around the world who are looking to either find free and open resources to use with their students, or to contribute their own resources for other faculty to use. Open educational resources (OER) are teaching and learning materials freely available for everyone to use. They are typically openly-licensed to allow for re-use and modification by instructors. Materials may consist of a complete course, readings, videos, maps, course modules, assignments, tests, quizzes, textbooks, etc.

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