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BIOL 211 & 221: General Biology

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Course: BIOL 211 & 221

Title: General Biology

Professor: Fuller

ENGL 103: Composition I

Course: ENGL 103

Title: Composition I

Professor: Mead

HIST 111 & 127: The United States from the Colonial Era to the Present

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Course: HIST 111 & 127

Title: The United States from the Colonial Era to the Present

Professor: Finesurrey

ENG 203: Composition II

Course: ENG 203

Title: Composition II

Professor: Philipose

ANTH 227: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

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Course: ANTH 227

Title: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

Professor: Mary Gatta

ART 200: Arts in New York City

Course: ART 200

Title: Arts in New York City

Professor: Maya Mason

PSYC 101: Introduction to Psychology

Course: PSYC 101

Title: Introduction to Psychology

Professor: Samuel

Cool Anthropology: How to Engage the Public with Academic Research

Title: Cool Anthropology: How to Engage the Public with Academic Research

Authors: Baines, Costa, Fuentes, Vesperi, Lende, Taylor, McCreery, Lynch, Colwell, Aiello, Koptiuch, Wilson, Harper, Sutton, Mullooly, Deal, Lessard, Miller, Taylor, Campbell Galman

GOVT 202: US Gov and Politics in Principle and Practice

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Course: GOVT 202

Title: US Gov and Politics in Principal and Practice

Authors: Finesurrey & Greaves

HIST 201: Who Built New York? NYC History

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Course: HIST 201

Title: Who Built New York? NYC History

Professor: Finesurrey

BIOL 251: Genetics

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Course: BIOL 251

Title: Genetics

Professor: Fuller

CHEM 221: General Chemistry II

Course: CHEM 221

Title: General Chemistry II

Professor: Kim

CHEM 120: Introduction to Biological Chemistry

Course: CHEM 120

Title: Introduction to Biological Chemistry

Professor: Kim

Psychology 101 with Torres

Title: Psychology 101 with Torres

Professor: Camila Torres Rivera

PHIL 103: Intro to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Course: PHIL 103

Title:  Introduction to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Professor: Slaninka

The Shifting Stereotypes Interactive Documentary

Title: The Shifting Stereotypes Interactive Documentary

Professor: Baines 

HIST 221: History of Urban Life

Course: HIST 221

Title: History of Urban Life

Professor: Finesurrey

PHIL 103: Intro to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Course: PHIL 103

Title: Intro to Philosophical and Humanistic Thinking

Professor: Fortier

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Authors: Samuel Finesurrey, Elsy Rosario, Tigida Fadiga, Luz Hidalgo, Phisarys Sidemion, Sadaf Majeed, Bashir Juwara, Samantha Hernandez, Shaday Barrett, Joanna Wisniewski, Ivan Mora, Kristina Jiana Quiles, and Elhadji Diagne.

HIST 299: 19th and 20th Century Latin American History

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Course: HIST 299

Title: 19th and 20th Century Latin American History

Professor: Finesurrey

BIOL 221, BIOL 231 & BIOL 251: General Biology I, Microbiology & Genetics

Course: BIOL 221, BIOL 231 & BIOL 251

Title: General Biology I, Microbiology & Genetics

Professor: Fuller

ENGL 211: Cities in Film + Literature: HORROR themed

Course: ENGL 211

Title:  Cities in Film + Literature: HORROR themed

Professor:  Lori Ungemah

The History of the World

Courses: Antiquity to 1500 & 1500 to Present

Title: The History of the World

Professor: Samuel Finesurrey