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OER Repository of Guttman Community College: Urban Studies

GOVT 202: US Gov and Politics in Principle and Practice

Course: GOVT 202

Title: US Gov and Politics in Principal and Practice

Authors: Finesurrey & Greaves

UBST 225: Global Urbanisms

Course: UBST 225

Title: Global Urbanisms

Professor: Allen

SOCI 231: Introduction to Urban Community Health

Course: SOCI 231

Title: Introduction to Urban Community Health

Professor: Baines

HIST 201: Who Built New York? NYC History

Course: HIST 201

Title: Who Built New York? NYC History

Professor: Finesurrey

HIST 221: History of Urban Life

Course: HIST 221

Title: History of Urban Life

Professor: Finesurrey

ANTH 227: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

Course: ANTH 227

Title: Sex and Gender in Urban Life

Professor: Gatta

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Voices from the Heart of Gotham: The Undergraduate Scholars Oral History Collection at Guttman Community College

Authors: Samuel Finesurrey, Elsy Rosario, Tigida Fadiga, Luz Hidalgo, Phisarys Sidemion, Sadaf Majeed, Bashir Juwara, Samantha Hernandez, Shaday Barrett, Joanna Wisniewski, Ivan Mora, Kristina Jiana Quiles, and Elhadji Diagne